Monday, March 8, 2010

Book 1, Chapter 3

I'd like to say my classes got better. They didn't. My third class, Psychology, proved to have a crazy professor. Even though psychology teachers tend to be more mad, I do find it interesting how the different teachers teach the same thing but have a completely different view on things.
Fourth and final class, Public Speaking, went much like the other three. Well, minus the teacher being crazy. That, and a girl.
It wasn't the fact that she was good looking. By HUMAN standards she was quite attractive. By vampire standards, she wasn't very high.
No, it was just a strange feeling, like I somehow already knew her. It quickly passed. I mean, how could I possibly know someone before I've even met them? It's just completely absurd.
Then, things got even weirder. After class she walked up to me and stated that she thought I looked familiar. There were three way to take this.
One, she was just hitting on me by starting up a conversation. That would make plenty of sense.
Two, I really did look familiar to her. Could be possible, but number one was much more likely.
Three, she had felt what I felt, which would be really freaky and would probably scare me half to death.
As any self respecting person can tell, I assumed it was the first option.
So, I had a pleasant conversation with her. She told me her name was Dian. I told her my public name, John. No way was I going to ever tell her my real name, Darkerling. The reason for having a public name was that you could change it every so often so that nobody could catch on to the fact that your a vampire.
Our conversation ended. we went our ways. I still think that feeling was just a coincidence, nothing more.
Now, I need to figure out when the next coven meeting is.

1 comment:

  1. Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:
