Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book 1, Chapter 1

The first day of another semester of college.
One good thing about being able to live forever is that you can learn a lot of stuff over the years. Considering I'm about to have been a vampire for fifty years, I should know. Alas I change colleges every few years so no one will figure out that I'm a vampire.
Anyhow, this semester of college didn't promise to be anything special. I had decided to go to a community college. Small, out of the way, a good place for my style. Four Classes, and none of them should be hard.
So the trick is going to be finding vampires of the local area, and getting accepted in for the few years I'll be here, and not making too many enemies. Simple goals really, but always one of the first things that has to get done when you move to a new area.
With that in mind, this was what I was looking for while I was headed to my first class. It is much easier for vampires to find each other then for humans to find vampires. The reason is vampires can smell each other. Vampire smell quite different from human, and if humans could smell well enough, they would be able to figure us out quite quickly.
I'm going to my first class and did I find anyone? No. That was not a good sign. At this point I should have already sensed one vampire at least. Oh well, there has to be one somewhere.
I arrive at my first class, Photoshop. Things are going okay, but nothing special. The class ends with nothing out of the expected happening.
My second class, Chemistry, went much the same as my first class.
Now is when I had scheduled to have a "lunch" break. Technically vampires don't need to eat human food, but I find that it helps with blending in. Besides, normal food tastes good, even if it is nowhere as good as blood.
I went down to where the cafeteria was. As I went to the cafeteria, I caught a scent, the scent of a vampire. I started searching. I needed to find this vampire. If I could find this vampire then I'd be able to get into this the local coven. Without that, I could risk getting in big trouble with the Lord of this region. That is more of a problem that I want to deal with.
Luckily, I found the vampire I had smelled. She was in the computer lab.
"May the Lord have favor on you." This is one of the phrases that vampires use to greet each other. Irony is, when a normal human hears this, they think you are talking about god.
"I would hope so." She replied. In the vampire language this means only one thing.
I am the Lord.

(Note for the reader: Vampires [of this world, at least] can be in sunlight. The problem for vampires with being in sunlight is they have almost none of their vampire powers while in sunlight.)

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